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Rival11236 • 1 year ago

Bruh, they stopped at the good part when Zi Yun remembers the good stuff! XD

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Man I hope they allow her to remember enough to make the mc want (feel comfortable enough) to actually reveal to her (and maybe others) what is going on and means. I'd like to see her and the others reactions!! They'd understand why he acts the way he does too.

It'd also explain to her and the others why Nie Li "loves" her so much, his infatuation with her and why he keeps pursuing her even though she rarely knows him, nor helped him enough to be in love like he is with her. It'd definitely allow Ning'Er to fully understand why he treats her the way he does, why he barely sees her even though she has been way more beneficial to him than Zi Yun has. A sane person, usually would want the person who cares for them like Ning'Er does him, the support she has for and shows him would usually make them the main love interest. All she has done & sacrificed for him, but doesn't get nearly as much reciprocated, instead being directed to Zi Yun, would explain why she's not his first choice. It'd ease the hurt in Ning'Er heart, as she wonders why it's never enough & why she's not good enough, while Zi Yun does the bare minimum, even Zi Yun admitted that lol. It'd help everyone understand most of what's going on, But I bet I won't get my wish at least for a while or EVER smh!!

Klimyssup • 1 year ago

its seems we are of like minds.
Still Ning'er is best grill

Jalaluddin Aris • 1 year ago

Yup! Really a spoilsport.